Xlight ftp server is a high performance and easy to use ftp server designed to use very little memory and CPU. Xlight ftp server has the native ftp users isolation, so system administrator won’t need to worry about locking user in his home directory. It also has many useful features
* GUI based Remote Administration - FTP server can be securely administrated from anywhere.
* 128 bits SSL - FTP sessions can be protected by industry security standard.
* ODBC - User accounts can be stored in external database for easy management.
* Active Directory - User can use the same password of Windows Domain.
* UNC Path Impersonation - FTP server can access remote network shares easily with different impersonation accounts.
* Hierarchy Virtual Paths - Provide virtual paths of public, group for easy management and files sharing. Group virtual path can be seen by all users of group, public virtual path can be seen by all users.
* Advanced Configuration Management - Configuration changes will take place in real-time, without restarting the server.
* Advanced Access Control - Provides many methods to control user’s access right in the ftp server.
* Advanced Bandwidth Control - Bandwidth can be fine-tuned by virtual servers, groups and users level or scheduled by time range.
* xferlog Support - Support writing ftp transfer log in UNIX ftp xferlog format.
* Anti Leech Support - Support anti-leech function to prevent unauthorized people from leeching ftp links.
* MODE Z Support - Support real time data coompression during the data transfer.
* UFT-8 Support - Support OPTS UTF8 command to turn on and off UTF-8 encoding.
* IPv6 Support - IPv6 is seamlessly integrated in all server functions.
Xlight ftp server has three editions: personal, standard, professional.