Super Utilities offers 27 strong tools for speeding up, maintaining. fixing and protecting your PC. Comprising four focus modules designed to do everything from cleaning your Registry to removing spyware infestations. Super Utilities is a megamart of system-maintenance tools designed to keep your computer running smoothly.
Super Utilities’s integrated suite of programs can get your system running at peak performance levels in few minutes.
Key Features:
· Disk Cleaner:Find and remove debris that has been left behind on your system by untidy programs, system freezes and sudden system restarts.
· Registry Cleaner:Clean and fix your registry to improve your PC’s performance.
· Uninstaller Plus:Uninstall a program,remove invalid uninstaller information left on your computer and hide special uninstall entries to avoid other users from uninstalling programs .
· StartUp Manager:Add, remove, disable, and enable all of the programs that should start with each Windows session.
· Memmory Tubro:No matter how much RAM you have, this smart memory management program will keep your computer running better, faster, and longer.
· Folder Guard:Hide your private files and folders from other users of your computer, to restrict access to important system files and protect them from damage.
· Tracks Washer:Cleans up all your tracks left by Windows, browser and many other programs.Protect your privac,save storage space and improve performance of your computer.