Saturday, October 20, 2007

Sketch Studio 2.5

Sketch Studio is a drawing program designed for children. At first glance the user interface may seem simple but that was the intention. The number of toolbar buttons and menu items has been reduced while the size of the toolbar buttons was increased. The most powerful feature is how easy and natural it is to draw with Sketch Studio.

There are two drawing modes: Sketch mode and Smudge mode. While in Sketch mode the user can draw with three different sizes brushes and easily select colors from an advanced color palette. While in Smudge mode the user can blend/smudge colors together. In order to teach a child how to use the two drawing modes Sketch Studio contains 14 built-in drawing lessons. The lessons feature two cartoon characters??Sketch and Smudge?? Who draw pictures in a series of steps. After each step in the lesson Sketch and Smudge wait for the child to copy what they drew.


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